Artist and discography


www.niltv.comexterni odkaz

Line Up:

Hanka Kosnovská – vocals ( *1980)
Jan Končický – guitars (*1978)
Kobez – bass (*1978)
Michal Končický – drums (*1980)


The band was formed in the end of  2002 after men’s two years break in music activities in the Jan and Michal home-town Česká Třebová in East Bohemia. Only vocalist Hanka was active in the czech band Etienne in that time . Musical beginnings of mens part of the band we could see in death metal band Biotech ( Jan and Michal – band was playing shows for example as support of american death metal band Six Feet Under , and after it , since 1998 still with Kobez , in the hard-core band Porno Creep ( for example live supporting of american metal legend Death, british Benediction etc. )  .


In March 2003 the band has taken the name „NIL“ and was going to the studio to record their first demo CD called „Radial Thing“. At first the band wanted to use only as promo but latterly it was decided to put it for sale . Demo contains 4 studio songs and any songs from one of the first live shows of the NIL from Litomysl’s music club Kotelna . In one year was sold about 800 pcs of this record.

In April 2004 the band was recording second demo called „ Lost Heaven“ in the studio Hacienda with famous czech producer Milos Dodo Dolezal . It contains again 4 songs only and it was sold about 1000 pcs . One year later , in March 2005 the band was finished their last demo record called „Demo(n)s“. Together it contains 14 songs and it is any recapitulation of three years of the band . Till this time was sold more than 1500 pcs of this last demo CD .


As for concerts , NIL plays first live show in May 2003 , since this one NIL played about 150 gigs through Czech Republic, Slovakia and in Germany . Among the greatest live shows Nil ever played must be noted the performance on Street Festival in Berlin , Germany before Brandenburger Gate, which was played on 30.4. 2004 as the celebration to new EU members and NIL has represented Czech Republic . In 2005 we have to note NIL live shows as support of czech worldmusic stars Czechomor on their big tour , NIL appears on the stages like Incheba Arena in Bratislava ( Slovakia ) , Vodová Arena in Brno or T-Mobile Arena in Prague ( Czech Republic ) .  In first half of 2005  NIL joined the music talent competition  Coca Cola Popstar 2005, they have reached the final with two other czech bands . Probably the best act consequent on this competiton was for the band the final concert in famous prague club Lucerna Music Bar , where in sold out show even the famous band Sunshine performed as the guest .


During 2005 NIL deals with any major and sub labels in Czech about releasing of their first official album . This dealings are finished with undersigned of the contract with recording company Brothers Records . The band was starting their first cooperatoion with another famous czech producer Petr Slezak and starting to record the album in the studio Citron . In September 2006 is everything finished but deal with Brothers Records company goes into the financial problems and NIL has to back out of the contract . It caused the delay with releasing . Therefore the band founded their own official label 4K records. In January 2007 this label made an agreement about cooproduction with czech world famous independent recording label Indies Scope Records . These two labels are preparing the Nil debut album releasing . The date is fixed on 23rd February .


Parallely with releasing of the debut album the band prepares their first video and tour for 2007 to support of the album „The River Spring“ .


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Recommended price: € 9.49
Our price: € 8.54
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The River Spring

Recommended price: € 9.49
Our price: € 8.54
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