Artist and discography

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Psí vojáci

The central point of this band coming from Prague is created by a singer, songwriter and lyricist Filip Topol. Psí vojáci recently celebrated 20 years of their career facing sold out hall of Prague presitigious scene Lucerna. They performed for the first time in 1979 at legendary festival Prague Jazz Days (the band members were hardly over 13) and immediately became registred by Czechoslovakian secret police. The band wasn't allowed to perform oficially, so it appeared only at private underground events. Throughout several years the band's style as well as line up has been changing. In the beginning the band cooperated with Filip's brother Jáchym, who is a writer and lyricist, Filip himself started to write the lyricslater on. Since the middle of the 80s the band has performed under a moniker P.V.O. (Psí vojáci osobně) and Prague Juniorklub Na Chmelnici (today Palác Akropolis) became their home scene. After the democratic changes in Czechoslovakia in 1989 Psí vojáci became favourite band of a local club scene and local festivals. Besides that they toured in Hungary, Austria, Germany and performed at foreign festivals (Eurorock in Belgium with Jesus And Mary Chain) or France (Belfort with Carlos Santana). Band's songs were used in several movies (e.g. Žiletky directed by Zdeněk Tyc with Filip Topol appearing in the role of the main character), and worked on scenic music for various theatre plays. Music of Psí vojáci has its roots in the world underground and it's marked by romantic composers of the second half of the 18th century.

Filip Topol occassionally performs alone, just with his piano, playing and singing material of his solo albums, which represent his most internal world.


obal alba

Od výčepu k baru 1987-1989

Recommended price: € 11.43
Our price: € 10.29
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Live I & II

Recommended price: € 13.30
Our price: € 11.97
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Recommended price: € 3.77
Our price: € 3.77
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Myši v poli a jiné příběhy

Recommended price: € 17.11
Our price: € 15.40
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Národ Psích vojáků - The Best Of

Recommended price: € 9.49
Our price: € 8.54
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Moje Indies

Gigs / Tours

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Old times

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Best Of

Pro děti

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Jiří Pavlica and Hradišťan
Hrajeme si u maminky
€ 10.25

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Hradišťan and Jiří Pavlica
Studánko rubínko
€ 10.25

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Karolína Kamberská
Říkadla a křikadla
€ 6.82

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Pískomil se vrací!
Buďte první, komu se to líbí
€ 10.59

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Petr Štěpánek
České pohádky K.J. Erbena
€ 7.58

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Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky
€ 7.58

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Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky 2
€ 7.58



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CM Soláň
Dobře je s muzigú
€ 8.07

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CM Danaj
Písňovou zahradou
€ 8.07

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Musica Folklorica
Počúvajte, co vám pravím
€ 10.25

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Cimbal Classic Městské divadlo v Brně
€ 9.23

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Luboš Holý and Musica Folklorica
Rabudeň, rabudeň
€ 10.25

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Cimbal Classic
Vánoce v Rožnově
€ 8.54

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Cimbálová muzika Stanislava Gabriela
Neseme Vám tú novinu
€ 8.54


Mluvené slovo

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Miloš Urban
Praga Piccola
€ 10.25

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Eduard Fiker
Série C-L
€ 11.94

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Josef Prokeš
Platím utopence,kafe a rum
€ 8.07

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Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Tři Garridebové / Umírající detektiv
€ 7.88

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Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Barvíř na penzi / Podnájemnice v závoji
€ 7.88

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Viola Fischerová
Jak Kuba vyzrál na Papejše
€ 7.88

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Jiří Boudník
Věže - Příběh 11. září
€ 12.01