For the long time of its existence, Jarret have worked on themselves to become the top folk-rock band of the Czech music scene. The style of the band has transformed only slowly in the course of time. In 1992, Michal Kadlec engaged Marek Štulír into his folk trio, and thus founded the Jarret band. At that time the folk ensemble found their starting point and inspiration in Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Alanis Morisett or Sheryll Crow. During the time it gradually abandoned the clear folk expression, from which it originated, and by adding further styles it has become a genre crossbreed. The band gradually found its own expression, which was enhanced by the entry of the producer Martin Ledvina (ex Druhá tráva, cooperation with Lenka Dusilová) during the recording of the album Vztahem zapni! (Pull to Switch on the Relationship). At the same time the lyrics gained their final shape; they do not exactly attack your diaphragm nor are they politically committed. A striking author of Jarret is B. Vašák, who worked in the band for a number of years (1993-2003) and after his departure he still supplies the band with songs. Even if their albums are published after long breaks, it pays for their fans to wait for another album. Their last CD Vztahem zapni! proved the band is in excellent form and it obtained the nomination for the genre award of the Academy of Popular Music Anděl 2006 in the category Folk and Country.
Soulásky a samolásky
Recommended price: € 11.39
Our price: € 10.25
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Jarret sobě
Recommended price: € 7.58
Our price: € 6.82
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Vztahem zapni
Recommended price: € 11.39
Our price: € 10.25
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