by Alex Henderson ( Throughout Eastern Europe, the fall of communism had a profound impact on contemporary pop and world music. From Poland to Hungary to Russia, a variety of chance-taking artists made their presence felt in the '90s, artists who were likely to be influenced by rock, funk, dance-pop, jazz, or even hip-hop. The Czech Republic also had a healthy pop scene in the '90s. New independent labels went into business and a lot of interesting new groups were formed. One of the many interesting acts that came out of the post-communist Czech music scene of the '90s was the quintet Benedikta. Formed in 1997, the group is led by two sisters: lead singer Petra Vánová (who sings in the Czech language) and violinist/background » show more
Sejdeme se v Dolly
Recommended price: € 9.49
Our price: € 8.54
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Punky Dumky
Recommended price: € 11.39
Our price: € 10.25
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Various Artists
O dřevě / About Wood
€ 3.76
Various Artists
€ 3.76
Various Artists
Vokály, hlasy, zpívání/Vocals, voices, singing
€ 3.76
Jiří Pavlica and Hradišťan
Hrajeme si u maminky
€ 10.25
Hradišťan and Jiří Pavlica
Studánko rubínko
€ 10.25
Karolína Kamberská
Říkadla a křikadla
€ 6.82
Pískomil se vrací!
Buďte první, komu se to líbí
€ 10.59
Petr Štěpánek
České pohádky K.J. Erbena
€ 7.58
Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky
€ 7.58
Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky 2
€ 7.58
CM Soláň
Dobře je s muzigú
€ 8.07
CM Danaj
Písňovou zahradou
€ 8.07
Musica Folklorica
Počúvajte, co vám pravím
€ 10.25
Cimbal Classic Městské divadlo v Brně
€ 9.23
Luboš Holý and Musica Folklorica
Rabudeň, rabudeň
€ 10.25
Cimbal Classic
Vánoce v Rožnově
€ 8.54
Cimbálová muzika Stanislava Gabriela
Neseme Vám tú novinu
€ 8.54
Miloš Urban
Praga Piccola
€ 10.25
Eduard Fiker
Série C-L
€ 11.94
Josef Prokeš
Platím utopence,kafe a rum
€ 8.07
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Tři Garridebové / Umírající detektiv
€ 7.88
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Barvíř na penzi / Podnájemnice v závoji
€ 7.88
Viola Fischerová
Jak Kuba vyzrál na Papejše
€ 7.88
Jiří Boudník
Věže - Příběh 11. září
€ 12.01