Andrea Konstankiewicz — violoncello, vocals
Dorota Barova — violoncello, vocals
Music from spider fibers of the dream land quietly unweaves the melancholic eros of the landscape… in it it uncovers soothing voices .
Both violoncellists have been keen on music since their childhood (conservatory, studying musicology, different musical projects), but only when they met in Brno in the year of 2000 duo Tara Fuki could be born. Tara Fuki music is absolutely racy and unique (it is based on common improvisations which are then continually elaborated), delicately dynamic and rich in its expression.
Enriched by reflections of different musical styles with the flavor of distant lands, it creates an original kaleidoscope of the feminine inner world. Since its creation Tara Fuki have been successful all over Europe (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Holand, UK and other countries) and Central America.
In 2001 Tara Fuki was awarded by the Czech Academy of Music in the two categories "Alternative Music" and "Newcomer of the year"
Piosenki do snu
Recommended price: € 11.39
Our price: € 10.25
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