Artist and discography

Jiří Pavlica

www.jiripavlica.czexterni odkaz

Jiří Pavlica (*1 December 1953) has been the head of the music band Hradišťan since 1978. Under his guidance, the originally folklore band has transformed into an alternative music ensemble, which embraces a wide arch of music ranging from folk tradition to contemporary music. However, a message encoded in music and transferred by music always dominates over genre and style. Hradišťan’s music, joining various music genres and movements with easy brilliancy, is rightfully considered an original phenomenon of Czech cultural scene. (For instance, the specialized journal Hudební rozhledy wrote in 2002 that “in the era when ethnic elements enter the context of world pop music, Pavlica’s method represents a » show more


obal alba

Vteřiny křehké

Recommended price: $13.99
Our price: $12.59
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Zlatý slunovrat

Recommended price: $6.97
Our price: $6.97
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Co se nevešlo (bonus CD)

Recommended price: $4.63
Our price: $4.63
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O slunovratu

Recommended price: $8.37
Our price: $7.53
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Studánko rubínko

Recommended price: $13.99
Our price: $12.59
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O slunovratu (CD & DVD Platinová edice)

Recommended price: $18.66
Our price: $16.79
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Recommended price: $18.66
Our price: $16.79
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Hrajeme si u maminky

Recommended price: $13.99
Our price: $12.59
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Live & Co se nevešlo (2CD)

Recommended price: $18.66
Our price: $16.79
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Best Of

Pro děti

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Jiří Pavlica and Hradišťan
Hrajeme si u maminky

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Hradišťan and Jiří Pavlica
Studánko rubínko

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Karolína Kamberská
Říkadla a křikadla

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Pískomil se vrací!
Buďte první, komu se to líbí

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Petr Štěpánek
České pohádky K.J. Erbena

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Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky

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Josef Somr
Veselé mašinky 2



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CM Soláň
Dobře je s muzigú

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CM Danaj
Písňovou zahradou

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Musica Folklorica
Počúvajte, co vám pravím

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Cimbal Classic Městské divadlo v Brně

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Luboš Holý and Musica Folklorica
Rabudeň, rabudeň

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Cimbal Classic
Vánoce v Rožnově

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Cimbálová muzika Stanislava Gabriela
Neseme Vám tú novinu


Mluvené slovo

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Miloš Urban
Praga Piccola

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Eduard Fiker
Série C-L

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Josef Prokeš
Platím utopence,kafe a rum

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Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Tři Garridebové / Umírající detektiv

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Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: Barvíř na penzi / Podnájemnice v závoji

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Viola Fischerová
Jak Kuba vyzrál na Papejše

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Jiří Boudník
Věže - Příběh 11. září